Tina Mirkov

Tina Mirkov

Tina graduated from Faculty of economy in Rijeka in 2012. and has gained 2 academic titles: master of economics in business economy and master of economics in general economy. During her faculty education years, she was an active member of a student association. She worked on many projects in the roles of organization and coordinator where she developed interest in project management.

Her career started in the IT department in the Faculty of Engineering and continuities to further develop in private sector. In 2017 she joined Jelić konzalting where she works as a junior consultant on jobs closely connected with procurement which include preparation of the documentation for public procurement, education of new team members as well as preparation and writing projects to be funded with non-refundable funds and administrative monitoring of the projects.

She enjoys spending time in nature and uses every opportunity to travel and enjoys spending time with people she loves. Tina is an active athlete. Her life motto is: `Life is to short to drink bad wine and drink coffee fast`. With that in mind she tries to have fun wherever she can.


  • eu funding
  • public procurement
  • smalltalk


EU funding
Public procurement

Development of this Web application was co-funded by the European Union, from the European Regional Development Fund. Read more about the project here.