Sanjin Stanković

Sanjin Stanković

Sanjin graduated from Faculty of tourism and hospitality management in 2010. with academic title Master of economics. His work experience prior to Jelić konzalting is mostly from working in banking sector where he worked as a financial advisor for SMEs.

As a junior consultant his job description includes preparing documentation and writing CBAs, communication with the clients as well as preparation of the project documentation for project that will apply to be funded from EU funds.

In his free time he likes spending time with his family and friends especially when he organizes a barbecue for them. Sport is an important part of his life such as running, basketball and skiing. His life motto is to enjoy his life to the maximum and to help people around him.


  • business consulting
  • eu funding
  • bike rides


Business consulting
Eu funding
Bike rides

Development of this Web application was co-funded by the European Union, from the European Regional Development Fund. Read more about the project here.